Organ & Tissue Donation

Organ and Tissue Donation is a serious consideration and when prepared for properly, can be facilitated with ease and efficiency allowing this process to be successful.
One of the main reasons for tissue donation denial is being underprepared.
If you are not yet a Registered Organ Donor in Ontario, please visit the Trillium Gift of Life Network at Conditions for organ donation must be ideal, and preregistration assists in this process after death. It is important to know that even though an individual may not meet the requirements to donate organs after death, eco participates in Corneal (eye) donation programs allowing this to take place within a reasonable period of time after death.
Why Preplan?
- A large misconception in body donation is that anyone’s organs or tissues can be donated at any time. The reality is that there is limited time for this to be coordinated. Delivery of the body must usually take place within 48 hours of death
- Nominal costs can be prepaid, locking in the associated costs at today’s price.
- Funeral or Memorial Arrangements are often overlooked with donations. Remember that services in remembrance are important with or without a body present. These types of services can be preplanned.
- Many Universities which accept donations of human bodies require some form of registration, which can be preplanned.
- Preplanning will help those wishing to donate themselves understand whether it is possible for them. Denial of donation can be a strong possibility for many individuals based on ineligibility of the school’s criteria
- Preplanning opens the lines of communications among family. Stating your wishes in writing to your executors will inhibit questioning of one’s actual wishes
What is preplanning?
Where is my money placed?

For Donation for a Death that Has Just Occurred Please Call Us Immediately (24/7)
If a death has just occurred and the deceased’s or executor’s wishes are to have tissue donation take place
please call us immediately at 1.800.326.1324 (24 hours a day) to allow us to coordinate for Corneal Donation.