Aboriginal Affairs & Northern Development Canada

The Decedent Estates Program provides for the administration of the estates of deceased First Nation individuals who were ordinarily residents on a reserve before their death. The program carries out the following activities:
- appointing estate administrators/executors;
- approving/voiding wills;
- transferring reserve lands;
- distributing estate assets according to the will or the intestacy provisions of the Indian Act (section 48);
- determining heirs;
- performing a quasi-judicial role in weighing evidence and allegations raised relating to the conduct of the administration of an estate, the validity of a will, etc;
- developing and conducting estate planning and awareness workshops;
- tracking information relating to the administration of all estates reported to the department.
Please visit www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca or call 1.800.567.9604 / TTY: 1.866.553.0554 for assistance.