I am thinking of you today, Arnaud. It's your birthday. It's still so hard to believe that you aren't here - cracking corny jokes, listening intently, sharing wisdom, eyes sparkling, gentle smile. There was always so much gentleness that surrounded you. You had no capacity for cruelty whatsoever. You never wanted to hurt anyone or anything. Anyway, you are missed. You would be 51 today. Crazy. Time has flown. I'm so glad my memories of you are peaceful, filled with laughter, rich conversation, happiness. Happy birthday, friend. I miss you.
Arnaud, I am thinking of you and all who love you. Your family, your friends, everyone. Thinking mostly of you though. Reflecting on the Arnaud I knew. I looked through all the pictures of you again. I laughed out loud at so many of them. The ones with your longer hair are how I remember you the most. I remember the conversation we had about you growing your hair, so funny. I love seeing how much fun and joy you had in your life. I am so thankful you lived surrounded by so much love and laughter. You were always such a thinker. I remember our conversations that were filled with intense analyzing and philosophical ramblings. Since they were mostly late at night, the weird WV phone centre shift hours, it was regular routine for one of us to crack a dumb joke and that was it, we would have unstoppable giggles and there was no point in trying to talk seriously after that. So much fun. I remember when you fell asleep while I was telling you a story about myself, sitting in your car in the WV parking lot. Lolll!! I didn’t know you had a nice singing voice. I learned that tonight. I can only imagine how much fun you were at karaoke. What did you chose to sing, I wonder. What songs were in your heart? I light this candle in your memory today. I am thinking of you. I miss you. I know I am not alone in this. You are in my heart, dear friend. You always will be. I am so, so lucky to have known you. We all are.
Pierrick et moi-même nous associons à notre modeste mesure à votre peine immense.
Perdre un enfant dans des conditions aussi brutales est intolérable.
Et pourtant, il faut continuer à vivre.
Nous ne doutons pas que vous saurez garder bien vivant le souvenir de sa personnalité.
Nous regrettons de ne pas avoir eu l’occasion de mieux le connaître, la distance nous en a empêchés.
Mais parcourir la galerie de photos, sur ce site que vous rédigé avec amour et délicatesse, a permis de nous rapprocher de lui et de le voir, heureux parmi ses amis.
C’était un garçon bien : il est déjà regretté par ceux qui le connaissaient.
Au delà de sa fa famille, il va manquer à beaucoup de personnes.
Nous vous embrassons bien affectueusement.
I am sad to hear about the sudden passing of Arnaud. We worked closely over the years at PwC. His obituary allowed me to see deeper into his life and him. Beautifully written, as though a short play on his life. Thank you for sharing. Peace.
Dear Dominique, and all who knew and loved Arnaud,
May this site designed in tribute to him bring comfort as memories, photos and sentiments of his life are shared.
With warmth,
Nathan & Staff