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Symbolic Gestures
In Memory of
Sallie Lyons
1950 - 2021
IE 8 placeholder.
Candle of Peace
Mairin Smit
The most meaningful piece of advice Sallie ever gave me when I was a student was that I needed to stop trying to please other people so much. As a 19 year old at the time - it was hard to grasp. But it stuck with me, and as time's gone on, I've realized how much of a gift that wisdom's been. OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, dear teacher. <3
Friday, February 19, 2021
Candle 7
Catt Filippov
You taught us to never stop showing up. Thank you, Sallie. Wishing you smooth sailing on the next leg of your journey. You will be sorely missed and eternally adored.
Friday, February 19, 2021
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Virtually everywhere
Over the Golden Horseshoe